MACCI has a mantra of supporting a property’s marketing goals. Therefore, at the turn of the Millennium, when ‘The Experience Economy’ told the story of the change in consumer trends, MACCI jumped right in. Ms. MacDonald furthered her education by studying Entertainment Architecture and related studies at Harvard University to enhance the detail in execution of this consumer trend, the Value of the Experience.
Thus, ‘Experience Design’ was born into the disciplines and into the language of hospitality interior design. A brand new customized methodology was born. This includes the EXOP™ mission that is executed in pre-development stages locating physical areas of EXperience OPportunities. It is executed in tandem with a process of analyzing a property and interacting with a variety of consultants to produce a Storyline for the “Production” of a hotel’s Experience Story.
MACCI’s Experience Design can stand on it’s own or be part of a full service design package.
A good experience satisfies all the Senses: Sound, Sight, Scent